

I am leading the Passives & Indoors product management activities at 电话este. 看到 我的人际关系网 了解更多信息.

罗伯特·威尔金斯 - 电话este

All blog posts by 罗伯特·威尔金斯

Converting FTTx homes passed to homes connected

The big challenge facing FTTx operators is to convert homes passed into homes connected. Having spent money building fibre distribution networks that bring many exciting services to customer premises, the emphasis is now on getting customers connected to start earning revenue streams for the operators.


As operators deploy more FTTx solutions, it is important that they have the necessary products to facilitate effective network builds and simplify customer installations, ultimately converting homes passed into homes connected.

射频放大器 are key to good quality signal distribution

When building broadband coaxial networks, it is vital to ensure that all the components are of high quality and easy to use. That is the philosophy we at 电话este apply in the design and production of our 射频放大器. Whether it is for signal distribution within the home or within the building, or indeed the “last mile” distribution to the building including signal boosting where needed, our Basic Amplifiers are designed to simply install and turn on. They require minimum to no alignment and thus no need for special tools or indeed skill sets.

Let 电话este Enlighten your fibre networks (refreshed for 2021)

Two years have gone since the launch of our extensive range of Optical passives that meet operators’ high operational requirements. Now it is a good time to review what’s new and updated to this family of standard and custom products today.

Going green with eco-friendly packaging solutions

Environmental aspects are key drivers in our business. We always aim to minimise our carbon footprint, reduce environmental impacts in all aspects of our operations, and ensure all our processes are environmentally safe. These cover logistics and manufacturing as well as our own energy consumption and our recycling operations.

Passives are an active first step towards the 1.8ghz时代

During the first half of 2020, the world saw an unprecedented increase in broadband usage. Video conference services were pushed to their limits and major streaming services had to cut down on their video bitrates to prevent networks from overloading at peak hours. While history will likely not fondly remember the first half of 2020, it admittedly was a good dry run to test and experience network bandwidth, 速度, and latency demands of the near future.

Making a match of customer installs and social distancing

During spring 2020, the passive business has been anything but. The prevalent circumstances have driven demand towards self-install kits, which almost entirely remove the need for operators to visit homes and come in contact with the end-users, freeing up all parties from the close contact-related risks and general disruption.